Render engine Math Library
Sun 16 February 2020written by Xavier Figuera
Last modification:
Sun 16 February 2020The math library is focused on computer graphics, it's implemented inside the Core module whithin the submodule Math, the library has been custom designed for flow render engine, and it provides different linear algebra related types such as vectors and matrices jointly with the common functions to generate the common geometric and viewing transformation matrices for computer graphics, since that the render engine is only implemented with OpenGL for now, it has been implemented a right-handed system in the transformation matrices. The mathematics code is in a header-only library implemented with C++ templates.
The following list shows the implemented components.
- Vectors.
- Matrices.
- Translations.
- Scaling.
- Rotations.
- Projection matrix.
- View matrix(lookAt).
- Rotation matrix(yawPitchRoll).