3D Classic Chess

Sun 16 February 2020
written by Xavier Figuera Sat 01 April 2023

The following images shows a classic chess rendered with Phong reflection shading and one directional light only, the scene was implemented to test the render engine and the effects system of the engine.

3D Classic Chess Emscripten version online

Classic chess scene phong reflection

3D Classic chess phong reflection 3D Classic chess phong reflection

Classic chess scene phong reflection 1

3D Classic chess phong reflection

Classic chess scene phong reflection 2

3D Classic chess phong reflection

Classic chess scene phong reflection 3

3D Classic chess phong reflection

Classic chess scene phong reflection 4

3D Classic chess phong reflection

Classic chess scene 5 phong reflection on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

3D Classic chess Linux Ubuntu phong reflection

Classic chess scene 6 normal map and phong reflection comparison

3D Classic chess normal map phong comparison 3D Classic chess normal map phong comparison 3D Classic chess normal map phong comparison 3D Classic chess normal map phong comparison 3D Classic chess normal map phong comparison 3D Classic chess normal map phong comparison